As we approach the end of the year, we celebrate the attempted destruction of the houses of parliament by Guy Fawkes by having a firework party on or close to November 5th. It seemed a good idea to turn that into a naming party too, as my chums from Shoreham Sailing Club were wondering why I was always covered in epoxy and paint!
I tooled up with some humungous fireworks, and the scene was set. It seemed a waste to smash a full bottle of sparkly, so I found a miniature in the cupboard to do the job. The contents still ended up over Bill’s trousers, but I see that as a good sign!
I name this ship…..Boudicca!
Fortunately, the brass stem band stood the test and no damage was done – thanks to Lisa, Bill, Mandy, Chas, Mandy and Ivan for encouraging noises. I suspect Chas has possibly got the boatbuilding itch. How long can it be before we have a fleet of Morbics at Shoreham!?